Why Conservatives Claim “Media Bias”, Example #1

August 27, 2008

A few weeks ago, perusing Internet news, you might have seen an article stating,”Pew Survey: Viewers of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Score High on News Knowledge“.  The author of the article is a guy by the name of Greg Mitchell.  In the “report”, Greg goes on to claim that people who watch shows like The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, “are more knowledgeable about current events (as judged by three test questions) than watchers of ‘real’ cable news shows hosted by Lou Dobbs, Bill O’Reilly and Larry King, among others — as well as average consumers of NBC, ABC, Fox News, CNN, C-SPAN and daily newspapers.”

Wow!  What a revelation!  You mean two different comedy shows provide more information than all those networks?

This is the part where I back up the truck, just a tad.  There are a few key things missing from the article I cited.

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